I thought I would post a few videos from this past year to see how they work on the blog.
This one's for the Chicken Lady. From the spring 2007 Driggs Idaho sled pull, watch as this fine team of matched Belgian draft horses completes a successful 20 foot pull. Those are 6 barrels each at 1k lb of concrete on that sled (that's a sled mind you, not a wheeled wagon). That's 6,000 pounds for those of you that can't do math yet, more than twice the team's combined weight. That's like pulling a full sized pickup truck through the dirt with no wheels on it.
How does he shoot so many ducks, some of you might ask? Well it's definitely not because of my crummy shooting skills (although I must admit I am a pretty damn good duck caller). It's because I can get to the good spots with my Mud Buddy Hyperdrive mud motor. Check out this late September 2007 scouting trip on Mud Lake as I cruise through the marsh. Whooee, look at all the ducks! And that's after I had already driven through there once and flushed most of them out. Actually it's not that great of video (do you see a pattern here?). Sorry about the shaky ride, but I was standing with one hand on the tiller and the other on the video. Duck gumbo anyone?
Can you actually lose those sledding skills learned as a child? Watch as I take to the parking lot snow pile to find out in "Extreme Sledding I"
Happy New Year!!!
Gorgeous Belgians! You would totally enjoy the Draft Horse Classic show that happens 70 miles from here every September. There are oodles of drafts and all sorts of classes, including a pulling competition. That's probably my favorite class to watch. Of course now that I have the art booth there I don't get to see anything but my own 10x10' universe, but I have fond memories!
Hilarious sledding video! I'm sure I wouldn't be much better...I don't think we ever had a sled that big!
Enjoying your blog. Thanks for the idea for a new site. Love the sledding video!
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