Sorry about the lull. Sometimes either I just don't have anything to say or nothing interesting happens in my life. The pictures above are from Saturday morning. No labels necessary ;)
So along with the rest of the northern Rockies the last few days, we had the worst blizzard yet this season. I was hunkered down at home sick trying to keep my cold and sinus infection from becoming strep or bronchitis. The wind blew and the house shook all day. And needless to say I had a few frosty ponies when I went out to feed yesterday afternoon. The lean-to doesn't do much except break the wind a little and keep the driving snow off of them. Even the hay shed had 2 inches of snow in it. As much as I tried to keep out of the weather, I had to dig out their stock tank so they at least have access to water. I really don't think they use it much and just eat snow anyway, but I don't need the animal rights people on my butt.
Electric fence update: it works! (knock on wood) Amigo doesn't seem to pay much attention to it, either that or he is just stupid. They've all been shocked by it and I have to say that I expected more of a reaction. Or at least more avoidance of the fence. Sara and Smooch seem to actually be a little upset at me and are taking it personally (there was some yelling and cussing going on the day I put it up, so that would explain why Smooch is upset...he's a little sensitive). Sara avoids the fence all together, however Amigo and Smooch get right up next to it. Amigo will actually put his head over it.
For those of you who want to know a little more about mules vs horses, mules are basically indestructible, however don't tolerate pain well. When mule is hurting, it will let you know. Horses on the other hand are the opposite. They are more easily hurt, but can tolerate the pain to a larger degree. Amigo for example, will ride all day when his feet are hurting. I wouldn't do it to him on purpose, but there you go, he'll do it. Sara on the other hand, from what the previous owner told me, would just as soon buck you off than suffer a saddle that didn't fit quite right. So maybe that's why my dumb horses don't entirely stay away from the wire....at least they respect it enough where I am confident they are not going over the fence.
So after I spent four hours using a borrowed snow blower last week to clear out the driveway and yard, I am snowed in again. I have drifts culminating over six feet high, and the driveway was over my bumper this morning. I meant to take pictures, but was distracted by having to dig out my truck after I tried to banzai a 50 foot long drift. I would have made it but got sucked into the deeper part of the drift. An hour and a half of shoveling later and another banzai run and I am out! It amazes me what that truck and a set of Toyo M-55 tires will get me through. But duh, why didn't I just put on the chains to begin with??? Oh yeah, I forgot I had those. For those of you who snob at big trucks, I want you to know that I use every inch of clearance just going to work in the morning.
I will sign off with this last photo. My birds are back! Well, they probably didn't go far to begin with, but I just haven't seen them in a while. These are my "pet" Grey Partridges. They are wild, so they don't get any help from me, but they are more than welcome to winter in my yard under the cover of the Service Berry bushes or the Spruce tree. There is a ferrell cat around that is knocking down their numbers and it is time for him to go. Aren't they cute? They are like a bunch of little clowns hopping around and digging in the snow and chasing each other. Sorry about the poor photo, but the wind was howling so I took the picture through my bedroom window.

I'm still not convinced that whole snow thing is a good idea, but dang those are gorgeous photos. :-)
The first time Shylah ever met an electric fence (at a friend's ranch this fall) she just kept leaning on it! It was feeding time so she was pretty focused on her goal, but that thing popped her a couple times on the front of the neck before she just casually backed up like "oh okay fine." I sometimes wish I had electric fence here, those girls are tough on the fence with all their butt-scratching!
Great post! Hope you are feeling better!!! I wouldn't be able to find the girls in that much snow!
Just stumbled upon your blog and saw these beautiful photographs! Really nice.
Of course the rest of it was a really good read, but totally out of my element. Never been on a horse and only got a couple inches of snow this year.
Best wishes.
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