Robin wanted to take the girls on a ride, so Sunday was lady's choice. Robin chose the Taggart Lake trail. It wasn't going to be a long ride, so I took Smooch. Robin prepared lunches,we loaded four horses into Robin's three horse trailer (thank goodness for small horses) and headed out. The parking lot was packed with cars. I felt odd being the only horse trailer there. I think by this time of year, most trail riders are headed more into the back country and off the beaten path to avoid the tourists. I don't mind really though. It's good training for the horses to be around crowds and you get your picture taken a lot.
Robin was on kid tending detail, so Smooch and I got to lead out. This is such good confidence building for him. For me too. I'm feeling pretty confident with him at this point, so I went sans bridle. I even did the one rein thing for the entire ride. Let me say that Pat Parelli knows what he's talking about. When you have a horse and rider that are comfortable and can ride one reined, you have this rock solid base that gives you the confidence in each other and the relationship necessary to have a fun, safe ride. Which is exactly what we had. There was one scary bridge crossing (high narrow bridge across rushing water) where I had to lead Rose and Sugar across, but to her credit, on the way back she did it by herself.
The trail is well used and well marked, and in just a little while we made it to Taggart Lake. Rose wanted to turn around and go back (Grace is much more into horses and trail riding), but Robin and I wanted to to the 1.4 miles to the next lake. She was making a fit and squawking like one of the birds nearby, so I started squawking like the bird too. I was surprised that my squawking really bothered Smooch. It probably bothered him as much as Rose's squawking bothered me. Anyway, despite Rose's squawking, the trail was nice, the scenery was beautiful, and I was having a good time. We saw a covey of Ruffed Grouse (are Grouse in coveys?) and a view of the Tetons that was new to me.
When we finally made it to the next lake, we tied up the horses, broke out the lunches and cameras, and had a great time. It was at this point that Rose actually realized she was indeed having a good time and everything was right with the world.
Smooch took a nap
When we finally made it to the next lake, we tied up the horses, broke out the lunches and cameras, and had a great time. It was at this point that Rose actually realized she was indeed having a good time and everything was right with the world.
Smooch took a nap

While the rest of us ate lunch
and acted goofy.

(our version of "Blue Steel" look from the movie "Zoolander")

(our "serious" look like in the old timey pictures...Robin had a hard time with this one)

Aren't they adorable?

Grace got this one of me when I wasn't expecting it. I think it turned out great.

My attempt at taking a picture backwards off a horse (with a broken LCD display)
Robin is much better at it than I am

Robin is much better at it than I am

So these trail rides are great confidence builders for a young horse. When I step back and look, I can see that Smooch is on his way to developing a nice base for future work and I know that I am happy with the way things are going. Despite my limited experience.
Happy trails. Don't suck down too much trail dust and we'll see you at the next installment.
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