Monday, January 14, 2008

Pain In My Butt

This is what I had to put up with all weekend

I finally got the electric fence extension up right at dark on Sunday no thanks to Smooch. He was worse than a kid tagging along. I had to put up with his face in everything I was doing: chewing, nudging, stealing (he pick-pockets pliers out of my pocket and steals the little plastic ribbon holders off of the poles). He almost chewed the ribbon in half before I could get it all strung and turn on the fence. It was interesting to watch their reactions when they touched the live wire for the first time. I was surprised that their reactions were so very mild, but the fence so far seems to be effective never-the-less. The good news is that I am that much farther along when it comes time to put up the pasture fence this spring, and the horses will be electric fence trained.

Smooch keeps impressing me every day with his intelligence, inquisitiveness, and level head. He should make a fine all around horse and a great trail horse if I keep exposing him to new stimuli and experiences. Nothing seems to bother him, in part because of good genetics, and in part because Amigo is such a good role model.

Here's one more video that shows he will play with anything including this piece of ice that got knocked off the fence while I was hammering.


Jan Blawat said...

OK, I'm waiting patiently for the next installation. Glad that snow is yours and not mine.

Katherine Plumer said...

I'll second that (both parts!). I think I fulfilled my snow quota this weekend. It's really pretty though, I will admit, and less annoying than getting rained on.