Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Colt Journal, Day 6: Driggs Arena

After a week or so off, it was time to get back on Smooch yesterday. Last week was filled with house sitting for my landlords, getting hay for the fall, and besides Smooch got shoes so I wanted to let him have a good week off to get used to them. Believe it or not, I will actually have pictures of this one if Robin will let me post them! Robin was coming over to help with unloading hay off the trailer and I told her to meet me in Driggs to watch me ride Smooch first. I had been there about at least 45 minutes before she showed up and had gotten a bunch of work in. No one was there when I arrived, so I set up poles, barrels, and logs in the arena to work around. I worked on first walking, and then trotting each. I even got a little loping in. I worked on bending and working off the leg, and a little side passing. I got started on a half pass too, which is kind of like side passing except you are moving your momentum forward when you start your side pass. I did a lot of work moving Smooch off and on the rail, mostly at a walk and a little trotting. The whole idea is to get him moving off of my leg.
In case I have lost some of you, I am still riding using the rope halter...no bit yet.
Some weak areas we need to work on: riding the rail (he hasn't quite caught onto riding body into the rail and head into the arena yet, but is improving...he wants to turn his ass away from the rail and turn his head towards it, opposite of what is supposed to be going on), backing up (does it in the ground work, but hasn't quite made the connection while riding yet), and transitioning between walk and lope. He's actually doing very nice at speed control for his experience level (6 rides!).
After Robin arrived, she shot a few pictures in the arena, a few on the trail course, and then we headed home; another successful day.
Stay tuned for pics as soon as I get them!

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