Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Trail Ride Update

I got on Google Earth and calculated our route from last Sunday's ride. Google Earth has a really cool tool that you can follow a route by entering points and it keeps track of mileage. For the most part I could follow our route on the satellite image. Turns out that our unplanned detour ended up being a 33.6 mile ride! The actual mileage of the original planned route would have been 16.5. My guesstimate was originally off by only a mile and a half. Had things gone right, we would have been home before dark. Neither of us had been on a ride that long before. When I got into work that morning, first no one could believe I showed up and second, they couldn't believe Robin and I were still dating after that catastrophe. It really wasn't a catastrophe because other than being really, really exhausted, we had a great time! Robin didn't even seem to mind being lost too much. Although both of us had had enough of our moonlit ride by the time we rode into the driveway.
I will say that I'm worried about Rocky. Robin and I did a mounted patrol at the Jackson Fair Rodeo Saturday night and Rocky was really bothered. I think it was his back or shoulders. He seemed to be in a lot of discomfort. I am hoping that another few days to week of rest will help him. The Fair was another story. Let's just keep it short and say that a carnival is a horse's worst nightmare and Robin, Amigo, Rocky and I didn't spend too much time around the dragon roller coaster.
Next up, stay tuned for Colt Journal #6.

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